CPR Performance: Common Mistakes To Avoid


CPR Performance: Common Mistakes To Avoid

  • Jan 29, 2021

Every emergency requires our attention, or we may apply care improperly. During medical emergencies, it is even more critical to address injuries with precision. Here is CPR performance: common mistakes to avoid.

Applying Less Pressure

Humans have incredible bodies with safety mechanisms and protective structures. However, in an emergency, the ribcage can prove to be an obstacle in reaching the heart. Many of us have a difficult time applying the proper amount of pressure to this area of the body, since we do not want to harm someone. But many times, people apply less pressure than required, which ultimately has little effect on someone experiencing a cardiac arrest. Maintain the correct rhythm and apply proper pressure to keep the victim alive—even if it means causing minor injuries.

Forming Hands Incorrectly

The way you position your hands when applying forceful, downward pressure changes the outcome of the CPR maneuvers. If you place your hands incorrectly, you will deliver ineffective compressions or apply pressure in the wrong place. Do not separate your hands during CPR, as this will diffuse the force and keep you from providing the proper pressure. Keep your hands on top of each other, with the top hand’s fingers interlaced with the bottom ones, so you apply direct pressure to the center of the chest without losing your grip.

Neglecting To Contact Authorities

Performing CPR is one thing, but finding further help is another. In emergency scenarios, it can be difficult to keep a level head, especially if you are the one performing CPR. You must call for help or emergency medical services will never arrive. People who need CPR require further medical attention, so you should alert the proper authorities immediately. Calling for help should always be your first priority.

Know the common CPR performance mistakes to avoid so you can help someone the right way. If you need hands-on CPR AED certification in NYC, browse our course selection at Frontline Health to find the best fit for you.